Panel changes beta version 4.0

Created at 02 Feb 2021, 14:02
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Joined 22.11.2017

Panel changes beta version 4.0
02 Feb 2021, 14:02

This here post with the hope that the changes in the beta version 4.0 not will be permanent. I work daily with many multi-charts in "free-chart mode" and this work has become extremely cumbersome and much more time consuming than when the symbols were placed on the left side where each chart had its own sidepanel.
The worst change is definitely that I now have to click on each chart before I can place my wishes. (Before I could just hover my mouse over the symbol and click because each chart had its own sidebar)
Now the 6 charts (or more) have one common panel which means that I have to click 6 times for each change I make to the individual chart. It seems pretty hopeless.

Best regards

