Change sequence of pairs in Symbols Tab (list of pairs on the left)

Created at 03 Jun 2014, 06:58
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Joined 04.11.2013

Change sequence of pairs in Symbols Tab (list of pairs on the left)
03 Jun 2014, 06:58

hi, is it possible to customize the sequence of symbols in the left panel (symbols tab)?  

One broker I use has them all in alphabetical order, 

another lists majors, then all crosses in what looks like anarchic disorder, 

and I would like them as I had placed them in MT:  pairs involving the USD at the top, then EUR, then JPY but not necessarily all in alphabetical order but that have a certain currency in common, and with exotics at the end. 

Is there a settings file I can try to edit manyally?  Or is there a menu selection I haven't found?  


ps: sorry if this is a duplicate - I don't know - I did a search and it returned a page called "The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error"." consistently time and again. 


03 Jun 2014, 09:46

You can add symbols to Favorites and reorder them in Favorites tab.


03 Jun 2014, 10:05

Yes, I understand that, and the favorites tab is most appreciated. But the pairs take up too much space and that doesn't help to find infrequently used pairs, or correlated pairs. 

To make matters worse, the two brokers I use that have cTrader, place them in entirely different sequence.  One is alphabetical, one is majors, then a disorderly bunch of crosses, then exotics. 

Every trader has a reason for wanting things a certain way (hence the extreme flexibility of MT - it got that way for a reason).  My reasons are, in case you are interested, because I follow various sources for trade opportunities:  autochartist, my brokers' daily emails, my own research... and when I spot something, I'll start checking out the currency in various timeframes.  

I might like to bring up correlated pairs, or I might like to check the stronger currency with a weaker one. 

Point is, there are so many situations where you want to look up other pairs, that will not be in your favorites list.  

And you would obviously like to have your list arranges according to your own logic - of course, the broker will place it in order of majors, crosses, etc, or alphabetical, but only WE THE TRADERS know what our individual needs are.  

For this reason, it is most practical to be able to order it ourselves, according to our own logic, convenience, and trading style. 



03 Jun 2014, 10:17


Timmi said:what I mean, was that in favorites, the pairs take up several lines, whereas in symbos, you have one per line. 

Yes, I understand that, and the favorites tab is most appreciated. But the pairs take up too much space and that doesn't help to find infrequently used pairs, or correlated pairs. 



03 Jun 2014, 23:35


Timmi said:

Timmi said:what I mean, was that in favorites, the pairs take up several lines, whereas in symbos, you have one per line. 

Yes, I understand that, and the favorites tab is most appreciated. But the pairs take up too much space and that doesn't help to find infrequently used pairs, or correlated pairs. 


just in case it got overlooked because I replied on top and not on bottom: 

in Favorites, I can only see 4 pairs per screen before I have to scroll - whereas in Symbols Tab I can see 22 before I need to scroll!  that is over 5 times more.  

There is definitely an advantage to being able to personalize the sorting of the Symbols list! 



04 Jun 2014, 09:22

Thank you for your idea. We will consider it. Additionally, you can post your idea to


04 Jun 2014, 18:40


Spotware said:

Thank you for your idea. We will consider it. Additionally, you can post your idea to

Why do you offer the broker the possibility to customize the order in the list?  

You've already lended legitimacy to the usefulness of this - I just don't see why the end user shouldn't be able to do it too, as in MT. 

Thank you for considering this. 
