User Determined Scroll Right

Created at 18 Nov 2020, 20:04
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Joined 30.10.2020

User Determined Scroll Right
18 Nov 2020, 20:04

Users need to be able to scroll Right - possibly as far as they wish.

Some traders determine potential trades not only by price, but by time  as well... It is un-neccessarily clumsy (have to use external means of recording) for users to do this if cTrader only permits vision 4 bars into the future. What if users are not a scalping and wish to mark on targets of importance hours, days, months ahead. 

cTrader's own displayed data requires it. cTrader does not currently handle renders exceeding the leading price edge. See Below.
Data displayed is of little help until a predetermined amount of bars have rendered.
Users possibly want to know now, that is why they clicked on the Deal Map.

Limiting the user from scrolling right forces indicators that have nothing to do with price action. To conflict with the price action.
If the user has control over their own scroll right, manually and programmatically, they can configure all static indicators to the right edge in the "future" so their are never rendering conflicts. Exactly how the native Chart Scale/Pip Range Indicator is kept clear of the price action.
Currently users are forced to open indicator settings box to relocate static indicators every time the price approaches. (It doesn't matter where you put it, its going to conflict constantly)

Users want to be trading, not constantly fiddling with the charts just to maintain visible price action or indicator data.

Lack Of Scroll Right Issues


19 Nov 2020, 13:56

Hi SmartArtsStudio,

See here.

Best Regards,


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20 Nov 2020, 14:39

Hi Panagiotis 

Excellent. Possibly makes a bit more sense also. Is this in the documentation? It's really handy. Sorry if I just missed it.

Does the Time Counter go by another name in the API? Am I able to access the Time Counter and move it programatically.
I.E. If I ad an indicator needing to be placed in front of the Time Counter. I can calculate the current distance between the Time Counter and the right chart margin / price scale, and add more distance to the Time Counter if required?

Is there also un-documented "Chart Go To Date/Time" functionality?
(NinjaTrader hides it behind: Right Clicking on the Chart Slider and a Date and Time picker pops up. Tried that on cTrader's time counter also :) didn't work obviously.

I saw the video on the latest Web Platform hot keys for manipulating Chart Objects. Will it be long before they make it into Desk Top?

Is the "Forum > cTrader News & Announcements" the only place for keeping up to date with cTraders future plans and progress?

Thank you.
