Save drawings when Saving Template.

Created at 11 Nov 2020, 03:57
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Joined 11.12.2015

Save drawings when Saving Template.
11 Nov 2020, 03:57

I have a chart with drawings (many trend lines/vertical lines and text) on one workspace A, and another chart with drawings on another workspace B, If I save the template no drawings are saved, so when I open up the chart that was on workspace B, on workspace A and load the template none of my drawings are there. So there is no way to have workspace B chart with the drawings on workspace A, I have to re draw everything.. bummer. Because even if am in either workspace, and then save a new one, only one chart will be in the new workspace C. You can't get 2 charts on there, each from a different workspace, only one.


11 Nov 2020, 09:24

Hi matt92,

Templates do not save drawings.

Best Regards,


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