More possibilities on moving stop to break even - add a "minus X number of pips" option

Created at 13 Jul 2020, 15:06
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Joined 01.06.2020

More possibilities on moving stop to break even - add a "minus X number of pips" option
13 Jul 2020, 15:06

In the advanced protection section, as well as being able to move SL to break even with the "add pips" option, could we also have a "minus pips option" or be able to input a "-" sign before the number. Personally I like to move my SL to half risk once my trade hits 1R, and then to fully break even at 1.5.. Would be great to have this feature possible, so for example, to be able to do both:

*Move stop loss to break even MINUS 10 pips when gaining 20 pips

*Move stop loss to break even PLUS 1 pip when gaining 30 pips



