Nagging "Could not switch workspace" message
Nagging "Could not switch workspace" message
28 Mar 2020, 12:47
This message is from a frustrated ctrader desktop user:
From time to time (i guess when a connection is lost) a "could not switch workspace" message constantly pops-up on the right top of the screen.
This covers the window close, resize and on some other windows the 'settings' buttons.
It also disables the "Stop my robot" button !
It sometimes goes on for hours !!!!
- Find another way of bringing that messages to the users!
- Do not mess up my desktop!
- Stop posting it over and over and over and over and over again!
- if connection is lost it's NOT a requested change of WorkSpace; get your error messages in shape!!
That's all for now.
For the rest it's a nice platform.
Best rgds.
30 Mar 2020, 09:42
Hi Panagiotis
I did not say i didn't want the message!
But if i get the message: Once is enough and it at least give the correct message (connection lost)!
30 Mar 2020, 08:13
Hi Shares4UsDevelopment,
You can always turn off your notifications in Settings>Notifications.
Best Regards,
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