Trailing STOP loss when offline

Created at 24 Feb 2020, 00:20
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Trailing STOP loss when offline
24 Feb 2020, 00:20


I want to understand better regarding Trailng Stop loss. I know Trailing stop loss works as long as the desktop client is running. now lets look at the below scenario.


i setup a trailing stop loss of 100 pips after a few hours the trailing stoploss trailed say +50pips higher  then suddenly my computer shuts down without me knowing i switch it back on hours later after finding out my computer went off. Now my question is during that period my computer was switched off would there have been a stoploss or not ? because my trailing stop woldnt work as pc was off. 




24 Feb 2020, 09:18

Hi globalblack,

Trailing stop loss works on the server side so it does not matter if your pc is turned on or off for it to work.

Best Regards,


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