Current Desktop vs Web Differences?

Created at 17 Feb 2020, 21:55
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Joined 07.01.2020

Current Desktop vs Web Differences?
17 Feb 2020, 21:55


What are the current differences now on 3.7, between desktop & web version (if any), in terms of features?

Also, are there any security, performance or power consumption differences?

Kind Regards.


18 Feb 2020, 08:08

Hi NE539,

I do not have an exhaustive list of all the differences but the major one is that you cannot use custom indicators and cBots on cTrader Web. Furthermore, from time to time some features might be available on one platform because they have not been delivered on the other, but in general we are trying to keep both applications on par. In terms of performance, you should expect a better performance from the desktop application since it is native compared to cTrader Web that needs to run within a browser.

Best Regards,


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