cTrader in Autostart in Windows

Created at 28 Dec 2019, 09:53
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Joined 25.12.2019

cTrader in Autostart in Windows
28 Dec 2019, 09:53


Thanks for great update in v3.6 (https://spotware.com/ctrader-desktop-3-6-comes-with-custom-ui/) including cBots Auto restart.

Is there a way to add cTrader Desktop 3.6 to start automatically with the Windows system (10)?

When the server is restarted, the application doesn't start automatically. 

As a workaround I put cTrader application to Autostart folder in Windows (%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup), but I believe that native support from cTrader would be welcomed (as an option in configuration: Launch on Startup).


30 Dec 2019, 08:42

Hi Luke,

Thanks for the suggestion. As always, it would be more appropriate to post this in the suggestions section so that it does not get lost amongst other discussions.

Best Regards,


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