How do I close my position?

Created at 16 Jan 2014, 10:38
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Joined 19.07.2013

How do I close my position?
16 Jan 2014, 10:38

Wondering if I miss something. Any help appreciated.

I usually disable quick trade. I was able to close my position by

- click X on live trade

- click the close button to the right

- double click live trade or click option button to get an option to close trade

Now currently, I can't find a way to close my position in none of the above. Everything I click would take me to a "modify position" window and there's no button to close my position.

I kinda make my way around it by enabling quicktrade and click X... then disable it again.

Any help please?


16 Jan 2014, 12:58

I think with QuickTrade disabled you can only right click on the position and close


16 Jan 2014, 13:12

Ah you're right. There it is. Thanks :)
