Economic Calendar integration with Automate

Created at 19 Dec 2019, 10:05
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Joined 14.11.2012

Economic Calendar integration with Automate
19 Dec 2019, 10:05

Hi Will the new version 3.7 include the ability to take action on Economic calendar events? For example, can I program the Bot not to trade 15minutes before a high impact event?


19 Dec 2019, 10:08

Hi lec0456,

No there will be no such option.

Best Regards,


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19 Dec 2019, 13:15

Hi, Lec,

You can use this tool, its bare bones, but does the job and has been used in our products for a few years now with no issues.



You can download the client assembly to easily integrate into your cBots here.




19 Dec 2019, 20:43

calendar_statement.csv how download for gbpusd, eurusd, etc ?
