How to run cBots on Demo and Live at same time? (can't switch account due to "A cBot is running. Stop the cBot to use this menu item.")

Created at 02 Dec 2019, 15:08
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Joined 22.10.2019

How to run cBots on Demo and Live at same time? (can't switch account due to "A cBot is running. Stop the cBot to use this menu item.")
02 Dec 2019, 15:08

How do we start a cBot on the Live account whilst still testing cBots in a Demo account?

One suggestion I've seen is to to install a seperate instance of cTrader in another directory in order to do both without being prevented from switching accounts by the message "A cBot is running. Stop the cBot to use this menu item." ? Is that the best way?

Please can someone explain operationally how to use cTrader when you want to have one (or more) cBot running on the Live account whilst still testing various cBots on a Demo account (or perhaps more than 1 demo account too if that's possible?). Should we use a different pc for the Live??
Basically, how do I continue testing cBots in realtime & via backtest on Demo and at the same time run Live cBots?

Thanks for any suggestions.

Later update:
The advice in this thread...

...seems to be to run 2 instances - but when you do, the workspace seems to be partially shared, for instance whichever demo or live account you last opened (regardless of which instance) will be the default account connected to if you close either instance and restart it.  So the 2 or more instances aren't operating entirely independently.

So is the only safe way running 2 instances thatt were installed in different directories?? As suggested here... 

But contrary to that, here... says "We don't provide users with the ability to choose the path of the installation files and to install multiple instances of cTrader of the same Broker." so what should I do in order to use demo & live at the same broker at the same time?


03 Dec 2019, 08:30 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:21 )

Hi martins,

We have a new feature in 3.6 called Multiple Profiles


This could solve your problem. You can find more information here.

Best Regards,



05 Dec 2019, 01:40

Marvellous, yes that's it, thanks. Seems to operate even more separately than I was expecting, in that it went through a mini install process when creating the 2nd profile, and each profile downloads its own backtest data rather than use what was already downloaded for the other - but then you might well want it to do that if you fiddle with it using the program in here... 

