cbot and connection

Created at 23 Jun 2019, 17:08
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Joined 19.06.2017

cbot and connection
23 Jun 2019, 17:08


I am going to run a live-account cbot 24/7 on my VPS.

My questions:

what happens on weekend-disconnections (mostly due to ctrader/network-meintenance)? 
will my bot continue to perform on monday?
do I need to reconnect manually? 
do I loose and data or loop-variables on reconnection?
if a bot has been stopped. ... does is continue its logics on re-connect ... regarding already opened trades?

Thanks in advance


24 Jun 2019, 10:19

Hi yosifov,

In general, disconnections do not affect the operation of your cBot. cTrader reconnects automatically.

Best Regards,



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