partial fills
partial fills
07 Oct 2013, 12:28
I know Ctrader support partial fills
my question is if market price higher than limit price my order perfection fill?
for example
i set EUR/USD sell limit order 1.35658 (order size 100m)
Current EUR/USD 1.35608
Eur/usd start increase so EUR/USD 1.35657
and keep increase finally over 1.35660
my order 100m perfection fill right?
If partial fills
i set EUR/USD sell limit order 1.35658 (order size 100m)
Current EUR/USD 1.35608
Eur/usd start increase so EUR/USD 1.35657
and finally touch 1.35658
after touch 1.35658 start down
like situation 2 have possible partial fill right?
If market price higher than my limit price
That's mean my order perfection fill right?
08 Oct 2013, 10:30
That's right, in case 2. order can be partially filled. If price go above it will be filled completely. Of course it needs some time to be filled.