Weird Errors

Created at 24 Apr 2019, 21:34
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Joined 14.11.2012

Weird Errors
24 Apr 2019, 21:34

I got some srtange errors in the log. i have an On Error Event to display the errors available throught the API but these are different. Is there a way to get more information on the cause of these errors?


23/04/2019 15:46:43.879 | → Failed to close position PID23045201 with error "Position not found with id 23045201"

24/04/2019 16:02:15.788 | Master cBot V2.11, EURUSD, m15 | Closing position PID23062001
24/04/2019 16:02:15.928 | Master cBot V2.11, EURUSD, m15 | → Closing position PID23062001 FAILED with error "EntityNotFound", Position PID23062001

24/04/2019 16:03:31.754 | → Failed to close position PID2910853 with error "POSITION_LOCKED"
