Account drop out on weekends... Can't Backtest..

Created at 20 Apr 2019, 12:32
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Joined 09.11.2015

Account drop out on weekends... Can't Backtest..
20 Apr 2019, 12:32

Hey team, 

Could anyone give any insight into why my account login may drop out on weekends? (Do login servers shut down at all?)

I will be working away with back tests and then the sign out sound rings and sometimes it signs straight back in and the sign in music plays... 

Other times I restart the computer and then it works straight up... at the moment I am stuck with this on the screen... the dots are running at the end of the text . .. ... and the dot image before "Log" alternates from yellow to red.

If I try to select my live account it just sends me to this screen...


The real problem is that I can't backtest while it isn't logged in...

Any tips/suggestions welcomed...



22 Apr 2019, 10:32

Hi Jonkey,

During weekends we have maintenance tasks running therefore servers might be shut down. This is why you cannot backtest on some occasions.

Best Regards,



22 Apr 2019, 14:20

Thanks Panagiotis, I will chill now that I know. 


23 Apr 2019, 10:40


Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi Jonkey,

During weekends we have maintenance tasks running therefore servers might be shut down. This is why you cannot backtest on some occasions.

Best Regards,


Hey sorry, Just one more question... It is happening on my VPS instance (EU located) and not at home (AUS) right now? Any ideas?

Both are IC Markets 3.3, At home I can open a new 2nd session no worries I didnt close the first session at home in case I lost it...



23 Apr 2019, 11:58

Hi Jonkey,

Disconnections and reconnections can happen from time to time for several reasons e.g. connectivity issues. Is the issue with the VPS permanent or does it reconnect after a while?

Best Regards,



24 Apr 2019, 06:27


Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi Jonkey,

Disconnections and reconnections can happen from time to time for several reasons e.g. connectivity issues. Is the issue with the VPS permanent or does it reconnect after a while?

Best Regards,


Yes semi pernanent... 

Like it stayed there until I manually clicked the live acount after about 4-5 hours... but when I clicked it it did work with out entering credentials so I did press the "remember me" checkbox.


24 Apr 2019, 06:33


Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi Jonkey,

Disconnections and reconnections can happen from time to time for several reasons e.g. connectivity issues. Is the issue with the VPS permanent or does it reconnect after a while?

Best Regards,


The full events were... just for thoroughness.

1. Bought new vps .

2. download and install cTrader on vps and open but not log in

3. Update windows and restart vps.

4. Change windows admin password.

4. open ctrader and login... wasted so much time making sure overly secure password is correct that I couldn't remember if i checked "Rememeber me" at login

5. Close ctrader and re open to test if "Rememeber me" was checked...

6. Met with "Reconnecting to your trading a/c..." for 4-5 hours in top right before taking action...

7. Took action mentioned above...



24 Apr 2019, 10:22

Hi Jonkey,

Can you please send us some troubleshooting information when this happens again? To do so press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T, paste the link to this discussion inside the text box and press Submit. Let me know when you do it so that we can check.

Best Regards,

