Horizontal and vertical lines print on screen for all symbols

Created at 11 Mar 2019, 06:58
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Joined 26.11.2018

Horizontal and vertical lines print on screen for all symbols
11 Mar 2019, 06:58

It is a part time job just posting all the issues and requests for cTrader. 

The horizontal and vertical lines I draw on a chart for Symbol_A remain on the chart when I change symbol to Symbol_B. I have posted on this before.

I can not fathom how you can justify having lines NOT be symbol-dependent.

The same issue exists for all lines (horiztonal, vertical and angled) drawn on indicators below the chart. Trade 5 symbols, draw trend lines for all on their respective RSI indicator, and you get trendlines FROM ALL FIVE SYMBOLS (!!!) drawn on the one indicator. It is a mess and untradable and wrong.

This was not designed by a trader, nor for a trader.


11 Mar 2019, 07:37

Fib retracemnets also remain on-chart after changing symbols. Indefensible. Not one trader in the world ever asked for that feature.
