Split lots into smaller lot

Created at 28 Sep 2017, 11:49
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Joined 06.03.2017

Split lots into smaller lot
28 Sep 2017, 11:49

How to split lots into smaller lots

Thank you


28 Sep 2017, 12:14

Hi davideng5555,

Orders in cAlgo are executed using volume and not Lots. If you want to open positions with the volume being a fraction of a Lot, you can try to divide the Lot size with a number that you wish. See below


Of course, you should always check that the requested volume adheres to the Symbol's minimum quantity, maximum quantity and quantity step.

Best Regards,



28 Sep 2017, 15:46

Hi Panagiotis,

Thank you for your advice, there is some open positions in standard lots and would like to split them into mini and micro lots. How to proceed them?

Kind Regards




28 Sep 2017, 15:55

Hi davideng5555,

What do you mean you would like to split them? You cannot split a position to many in cTrader. If the purpose of doing so is to close some of them while keeping others open, you can achieve this by partially closing a position. Read how you can do this here.

Best Regards,



28 Sep 2017, 16:04

Hi Panagiotis,

Thank you for the advice, when using the partially closing function, which postions will be closed ?

Is it according to the net profit or created time or others ?

Thank you

Best Regards



28 Sep 2017, 16:18

Hi davideng5555,

Partial closing will only close a part of one (the selected) open position e.g. if you have a position of 100k open and you choose to partially close 5k, then your position will remain open but with a volume of 95k. Let me know if this clarifies it for you.

Best Regards,



28 Sep 2017, 16:23

Hi Panagiotis,

Thank you for the advice,

when partially closing postions which had either doubled or prior added,

which contact will be closed ?

Thank you

Best Regards




28 Sep 2017, 16:49

Hi davideng5555,

Let me elaborate a little bit more on how our domain model is working. Positions are nothing more than aggregations of Deals. If you check your cTrader History tab, you will not see history of Positions but a history of Deals. Let's take your example and explain how it works

  1. You send a buy order of €10k. A deal is executed for €10k and a position of €10k is opened.
  2. You decide to double your position. A buy order is send  for €10k, a deal is executed and added to the aggregated position. The position's volume becomes €20k.
  3. Then you decide to partially close a position by €5k. A sell order is sent for €5k, a deal is executed again and added to the aggregated position. Now your position will become €15k.

Your position will close when the sum of sell and buy Deals associated with this position becomes equal to €0. 

I hope you have a cleared picture now.

Best Regards,



28 Sep 2017, 16:58

Hi Panagiotis,

Thank you for the example.

The "equal to €0" applies to the remaining 15k or the 5k that is to be partially closed ?

Thank you





28 Sep 2017, 17:09


davideng5555 said:

According to the example -
The first 10k ia -€100, while the second 10k +€50.
How much do I win or lose when partially closed 5k ?



29 Sep 2017, 14:45 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )

Hi davideng5555,

Your P&L will depend on the value of the closing deal. You will better understand how this works if you try it yourself in cTrader. Try the following scenario.

  1. Open a buy position for €5000 on EURUSD.
  2. Double the position twice. You will end up with a position of €20000 composed of three deals.
  3. Modify position and close €8000.
  4. Go to history, find the latest deal and click on "i". You should see a Deal Info window like the below.

There you can see all the information of the closing deal as well as which opening deals have been closed fully or partially by this closing deal. I am sure that if you experiment a little bit with the deals you will understand how it works. Let me know if you need any further clarifications

Best Regards,




29 Sep 2017, 16:33


Hi Panagiotis,

Thank you for the advice,

According to the example, How to choose to close a particular Deal.

Kind Regards



29 Sep 2017, 16:59

Hi davideng5555,

Deals are closed based on a First In First Out order according to their created timestamp.

Best Regards,



29 Sep 2017, 17:12


Hi Panagiotis,

Thank you very much for everything,

Have a nice weekend.


