BUG Aggregated sort filter lost when internet conection is lost or cTrader restarted

BUG Aggregated sort filter lost when internet conection is lost or cTrader restarted
04 Aug 2017, 06:45
Hi Guys,
I found a BUG in cTrader. When the Aggregated filter is on and using single or multiple sorting, such as Symbol, Direction, Entry Price etc, if the internet conection is lost and reconnects or cTrader is restarted, the sorting options are ignored and everything is sorted by the field Created (UTC ...). The filter options remain, but they are completely ignored. So it's necessary to click twice on one of the filters to work again, but only until the internet conection is lost again or cTrader is restarted, so the same issue persists.
In my opnion this resource is very useful, I just hope you guys from Support Team correct this bug asap because I always use Aggregated option to sort out my orders, so I can close everything with just one click.
Thanks for your time.
04 Aug 2017, 10:03
Dear cTrader Team,
Thank you very much. I really appreciate it.
... Deleted by UFO ...
04 Aug 2017, 06:47
I hope the support team can address this bug properly and asap.