New version of Depth of Market info window layout

Created at 19 May 2017, 16:05
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Joined 07.01.2017

New version of Depth of Market info window layout
19 May 2017, 16:05

Hi Sporware,

On the new version of cTrader(2.01), the pair information page, Depth of Market section, I select Standard DoM, the information window is to small, if I want to see all of the DOM info, I can only scroll the sidebar, it's feel very discomfort, so could you change the layout(top and bottom line ) can be adjustable, so I can put all of the DOM info shown out, thanks!

DOM but


19 May 2017, 16:19

Hi rickcui,

The below border of the DoM is adjustable. You can adjust the DoM based on your needs


19 May 2017, 17:26


Spotware said:

Hi rickcui,

The below border of the DoM is adjustable. You can adjust the DoM based on your needs

Sorry, I put the mouse to below border but couldn't shown the adjustable arrow, could you figure out which line can be adjusted? Thanks.


19 May 2017, 18:04

Hi rickcui,

Tha line beween the DoM and the Symbols is adjustable.
