Mobile history - how to sort/display trades in history by closing time descending so the latest is at the top?

Created at 10 May 2023, 15:37
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Mobile history - how to sort/display trades in history by closing time descending so the latest is at the top?
10 May 2023, 15:37

@Spotware or anyone:

I want to check my most recent trades on the mobile platform. Is there no way to sort the data by any kind of date in descending order so all my latest trades are at the top? I have hundreds of trades across multiple symbols in this list:

Thank you


10 May 2023, 17:18 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )


firemyst said:

@Spotware or anyone:

I want to check my most recent trades on the mobile platform. Is there no way to sort the data by any kind of date in descending order so all my latest trades are at the top? I have hundreds of trades across multiple symbols in this list:

Thank you

Hi firemyst,

Did you try the filter (3 dots at the top right corner)?


11 May 2023, 02:43 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )


ncel01 said:

Hi firemyst,

Did you try the filter (3 dots at the top right corner)?


I did. And actually, because of your suggestion, I went back and scrutinized it. It looks like there's a BUG between the cTrader desktop sorting and the cTrader mobile sorting, which is why I couldn't get it to work.

Follow the screen captures from my demo account:

Here is cTrader Desktop sorted, as you can see, by closing time in DESCENDING ORDER. This is what I expected to see in cTrader mobile as well:

Now when I view my "history" on cTrader mobile sorted closing time in DESCENDING ORDER, you'll see completely different results:


Now if I set the cTrader Mobile history filter to sort by closing time ASCENDING, look at the results -- they are the same as cTrader desktop when sorted in DESCENDING order:


See the difference? Does it work like this for anyone else?

To me, this is a bug. Sorting by Closing Time DESCENDING should show the exact same results in both cTrader Desktop and Mobile.




11 May 2023, 03:13

Hi firemyst,

Yes, it still can make sense.

As far as I can see, there is no mention to ascending/descending in cTrader desktop. This means that, most likely, what you consider to be a descending order has been defined as an ascending order.

This makes sense if the criteria is, for instance, the elapsed time between the closing and current times.


11 May 2023, 03:24 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )


ncel01 said:

Hi firemyst,

Yes, it still can make sense.

As far as I can see, there is no mention to ascending/descending in cTrader desktop. This means that, most likely, what you consider to be a descending order has been defined as an ascending order.

This makes sense if the criteria is, for instance, the elapsed time between the closing and current times.

Ascending / Descending is right here on the column headings in cTrader desktop. Click on any column heading and it shows you how it's sorted

click on the heading again to reverse the sorting:


It's practically a universal standard that when you want date/times in descending order, it means you go from the most recent to the least recent, as showing in cTrader desktop:


And in any SQL database when you say, "SELECT * FROM myDatabase ORDER BY aDateTimeColumn DESC" any database will return the values sorted by "aDateTimeColumn" with the most recent date/timestamp first and continuing until the record with the oldest date/timestamp is last in the results.

So seeing how cTrader mobile is working, I suspect when @Spotware applies the filter, they mixed up ASC vs DESC in their data query.


11 May 2023, 10:59


I can confirm the same discrepancy between cTrader desktop and cTrader mobile.

However, I don't even consider this to be an issue. In other words, I'd love all the cTrader inconsistencies/"issues" to be like this.

I am much more worried about the fact that cTrader RAM usage doubles each few hours and that I am not able to perform any algorithmic trading. That's is for me an issue, not this matter and, about that, I haven't seen any comments lately.

By looking at many posts here, sometimes I wonder if traders are expecting cTrader to be an effective trading solution or, on the other hand, only a fancy, visually attractive and highly inefficient application.

After all, as desired, you're able to sort all the trades in history, right?

Just keep the filter that suits your needs in cTrader mobile and that's it. In fact, there are only two options to select from: ascending/descending. No need to solve any complex equation to get this done.


11 May 2023, 11:13


ncel01 said:


I can confirm the same discrepancy between cTrader desktop and cTrader mobile.



After all, as desired, you're able to sort all the trades in history, right?



Either way, it's a bug in how it operates, and I would hope @Spotware would want to fix it since their product is not working as expected.




11 May 2023, 12:41


If you consider this as a bug how would you classify cTrader memory leaks? A detail?

Although it is okay to report any issue (of course), I prefer to focus on cTrader core issues, that's why I said I didn't even consider this to be an issue.

By core issues I mean issues that directly have impact on your trading outcome/results, which is not the case here.


02 Jun 2023, 04:01


ncel01 said:


If you consider this as a bug how would you classify cTrader memory leaks? A detail?

Although it is okay to report any issue (of course), I prefer to focus on cTrader core issues, that's why I said I didn't even consider this to be an issue.

By core issues I mean issues that directly have impact on your trading outcome/results, which is not the case here.

In the programming world, a bug is a bug.

Some bugs can be complete showstoppers, and others just a minor nuance.

It's up to Spotware to decide the priority of bugs.

With the sorting, any developer at Spotware should be able to track down the query in the mobile version code, fix, and unit test it in less than an hour before uploading their latest changes into the main development branch for the next round of product testing and subsequent official release.

One developer's time of less than an hour is not going to have an overall noticeable impact on the product release cycle.

If it does, Spotware has bigger issues at hand.

Otherwise, I'm not spending any more time discussing bug semantics.
