History Sort Order

Created at 05 Jan 2023, 08:04
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Joined 03.05.2020

History Sort Order
05 Jan 2023, 08:04

Dear all,

I'm using cTrader Mobile on several Android devices (Smartphone, Tablet) and faced the following issue on all of them:

When I sort the history by closing time in ascending order I see the latest trades "on top"!

Is this a bug or could it be related to my country/region settings (Austria) and therefore date format (DD/MM/YYYY) (what imho would be a bug, as well ;))?

Info - in cTrader Desktop it's working as expected...

Many thanks and best regards,


05 Jan 2023, 08:08

Hi Christian,

Can you please share some screenshots of this issue so that we can investigate what the problem is?

Best regards,

cTrader Team


05 Jan 2023, 08:55 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )


Spotware said:

Hi Christian,

Can you please share some screenshots of this issue so that we can investigate what the problem is?

Best regards,

cTrader Team


as requested please find attached some screenshots...

History Filter:

History (list):

Closing time - first trade from the above list:

Closing time - second trade from the above list:

I would have been expected that it would be exactly the other way round (ascending -> 30/12/2022, 05/01/2023)...

Best regards,
