Push notifications problemas with ctrader ic markets

Created at 08 Feb 2022, 04:59
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Joined 07.02.2022

Push notifications problemas with ctrader ic markets
08 Feb 2022, 04:59

Hi everybody, I have problem with push notifications in iPhone and iPad since some days ago. I can’t see when activate an stop limit for example.

It´s really unpleasant. 


11 Feb 2022, 21:53


walter0786 said:

Hi everybody, I have problem with push notifications in iPhone and iPad since some days ago. I can’t see when activate an stop limit for example.

It´s really unpleasant. 

I have the same issue. Is there a support chat or email that we can speak to? I see that they are not even responding here..


14 Feb 2022, 08:16

Hi a.magdy.m,

We are aware of the issue and it will be fixed in an upcoming update.

Best Regards,


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