Quick trade can be triggered by mistake issue

Created at 06 Mar 2020, 00:16
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Joined 11.12.2019

Quick trade can be triggered by mistake issue
06 Mar 2020, 00:16


I have triggered the quick trade by a touching mistake many times because it is very close to the size of lot selection menu. It is very annoying and dangerous.

It needs to be adjusted and moved a little far away.



06 Mar 2020, 08:40

Hi cryptlabs,

You can always disable Single-Tab mode from Settings > Quick Trade.

Best Regards,


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07 Mar 2020, 04:30

Thanks for the reply,

I don't want to switch off the quick trade option.

The problem is that when you try to select a lot size you can hit the buy button with your finger and initiate a trade insted of selecting a lot size. It happened to me many times and it costs the trader money. It's a design issue and a problem that has to be fixed. The layout or the touch sensitive area should be adjusted.

I hope that you try and fix this issue.



10 Mar 2020, 11:10

I agree completely.

I think the quick trade feature is great but I also think a single tap is much too easy to do by mistake and changing it to at least a double tap would be much better.

Hopefully we will see this change implemented in the near future.


10 Mar 2020, 14:31

Thanks for the reply,

It is not really bad, but there is a problem when you try to change the middle section with your thumb  between the two buttons, Where the lot size selection menu is located.

What happens is you hit the buy button instead of selecting the lot size, I think adjusting the sensitive area around that location will solve this issue. I like cTrader very much and I think it is a great platform with potential. It would be great if you also add the pivot point indicator and more indicators.

I hope that you fix this issue which is very important as soon as possible. It happened to me many times that I'm afraid now to try to select the lot size, but it is needed for quick buy while checking the charts.


