Change in app notification sound

Created at 06 Oct 2019, 11:17
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Joined 29.09.2018

Change in app notification sound
06 Oct 2019, 11:17

Please allow us to change the in-app notification sound. It's very confusing to hear the standard iOS notification sound for your TP, SL, withdrawal, deposit or margin call for all these options. Also, not to mention that its the same sound as any other app that hasn't enabled this setting in their apps. I would never know if I'm getting a trade alert or a tweet and I don't want to consistently check my phone every minute I get a notification to see if my trades are okay.

By allowing to have the option to set different sounds will help us what kind of action that is taken place to our trades and can differentiate from a take profit to a stop loss or to a margin call. I hope this actually happens. Thanks!


07 Oct 2019, 09:12

Hi Jonathan,

Thanks for posting in our forum. Please use the Suggestions section for such suggestions so that we can keep track of then and they are managed properly.

Best Regards,

