Suggestion for the updated cTrader iOS

Created at 02 Mar 2019, 02:41
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Joined 26.01.2019

Suggestion for the updated cTrader iOS
02 Mar 2019, 02:41

Hello cTrader Team 


Im a big fan of cTrader plat form. 

Ive been using only these forex providers who employ cTrader, namely FxPro ant AXIORY... 


Beginning of this year, the mobile app on iOS for AXIORY had been updated dramatically and it was a totally another app, which I found rather disappointing.


Because all these functions I loved about cTrader, had been gone... :


  • At ordering, you could get risk&reward% to account balance automatically, by setting stop and limit point 
  • OHLC values shown on the chart by clicking a bar with cross-hair


There were many note features I miss on the new version from the original..


I simply request to let us allow use the original version again on AXIORY or add all these basic and unique functions from the original version to the updated one. 




P.S I really love your great work you put in the platform. Its an art almost !





04 Mar 2019, 10:42

Hi Noblemonde,

Thanks for posting in our forum and for your positive feedback. You should expect more features on the mobile applications in the upcoming updates. We are planning to speed up the release cycle and deliver a new version every one to two months. 

Best Regards,

