Stop Loss Settings

Created at 31 Jan 2019, 15:26
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Joined 31.01.2019

Stop Loss Settings
31 Jan 2019, 15:26


After the new update to the cTraders app on iOS, I realised that I am now unable to do the following when entering a Market Order trade.

For stop loss:
1) I can no longer determine the price I want my SL to be, now I can only input the number of pips
2) I can no longer see my loss in capital given my SL level and size of my trade. This can only be seen AFTER entering the trade.

May I check if there's setting I am missing please?



13 Mar 2019, 14:37

Issues with iphone or ipad

Most of the users are facing these kinds of similar issues in their mobile phone or other gadgets as well. They can take all kind of fruitful advises are provided by error connecting to apple id server that will be fruitful for overcoming their issues easily.
