Risk Reward Tool

Created at 04 Mar 2024, 08:04
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Joined 04.03.2024

Risk Reward Tool
04 Mar 2024, 08:04

When you will implement this new Web-Risk-Reward-Tool to the macOS App and the iOS-App? We need it 🤝


04 Mar 2024, 14:05

Dear trader,

The design for this feature is in progress.

Best regards



19 Mar 2024, 14:55 ( Updated at: 20 Mar 2024, 06:56 )

RE: Risk Reward Tool

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

Dear trader,

The design for this feature is in progress.

Best regards


Thanks for letting us know. This feature is so essential for many traders.

Is there a summary where we can see which features are on which platforms or an exception list to detail where there isn't feature parity?


20 Mar 2024, 07:04

RE: RE: Risk Reward Tool

BadummTish said: 

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

Dear trader,

The design for this feature is in progress.

Best regards


Thanks for letting us know. This feature is so essential for many traders.

Is there a summary where we can see which features are on which platforms or an exception list to detail where there isn't feature parity?

No there isn't
