Thanks. Glad to see that the mac desktop version will be getting regular updates. Have seen some already with v4.8.904 which improved usability for open trades on the chart. 👍
i saw many improvemnts on mac version. It seemn now backtesting work. But the Deal Map still missing. this feature is very peaciuos when analysing things.
i saw many improvemnts on mac version. It seemn now backtesting work. But the Deal Map still missing. this feature is very peaciuos when analysing things.
we still wating for this!
Hi there,
Deal map has not been released yet for cTrader Mac.
i saw many improvemnts on mac version. It seemn now backtesting work. But the Deal Map still missing. this feature is very peaciuos when analysing things.
we still wating for this!
Hi there,
Deal map has not been released yet for cTrader Mac.
Best regards,
Anyone knows when dealMap for mac will be released?
Hi, i am new to cTrader & c#. But thanks to PanagiotisCharalampous frequently helping and constructive answers in nearly every thread and some other research i was able to build a dealMap kinda myself as an indicator.
Little Story of how i got there: At first i catched the Events via OnPositionClosed(PositionClosedEventArgs args), and added this into a Robot. Unfortunately the backtests taking HUGE time (15 simulations over night with the weakest MacBookAir A1932) So i removed the drawing-Lines from my sample-Code (standard MACDCrossOver) and ran the backtest “lean” and without any disturbing lines of code. Result: 1300 simulations in 1h 40mins → Lesson learnt!
So i had to code the dealMap into an indicator, to run the Indicator seperately after the Optimization/Parameter Sweep. Whysoever the Events (OnPositionClosed,…) are not being triggered (see code down below, CODE2), but i was able to just draw all Lines from the history. (see below, CODE1) This is only lean code to draw a verticalLine everytime a trade has been opened. Now it should be easy to change the code to the wanted dealMap-feature (line between open and close).
I have two further questions: - Is sweeping the history really the most elegant way? (CODE1) - e.g. i run a single backtest with CODE1. How is the backtesting calculation being prioritized? is the robot running through at first and than coming the indicator, or are Robot & Indicator being calculated parallely? Do i have to add the indicator to the backtest window before i run the backtest, or does it not matter when i add the indicator? → if it doesn't matter when i add it → Why? How is it being prioritized?
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
namespace cAlgo.Indicators
[Indicator(IsOverlay = true, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
public class SimpleTradeLinesFromHistory : Indicator
// you will FIRST have to run the Backtest and THEN add this indicator! -> only being executed while Initialize()! -> instantly after adding the Indicator to the chart. -> every new Backtest = delete and add the indicator to the chart again. I'm working on fixing this.
protected override void Initialize()
private void DrawTradeLines()
foreach (var position in History)
Chart.DrawVerticalLine("Open_" + position.PositionId, position.EntryTime, Color.Blue);
public override void Calculate(int index) { }
Are there some other possibilities to create dealMaps without using the history? OnPositionsOpened did not trigger → no Print in the Log :( CODE 2:
i saw many improvemnts on mac version. It seemn now backtesting work. But the Deal Map still missing. this feature is very peaciuos when analysing things.
we still wating for this!
Hi there,
Deal map has not been released yet for cTrader Mac.
Best regards,
Anyone knows when dealMap for mac will be released?
i saw many improvemnts on mac version. It seemn now backtesting work. But the Deal Map still missing. this feature is very peaciuos when analysing things.
we still wating for this!
Hi there,
Deal map has not been released yet for cTrader Mac.
Best regards,
Anyone knows when dealMap for mac will be released?
i saw many improvemnts on mac version. It seemn now backtesting work. But the Deal Map still missing. this feature is very peaciuos when analysing things.
we still wating for this!
Hi there,
Deal map has not been released yet for cTrader Mac.
Best regards,
Anyone knows when dealMap for mac will be released?
Great job. Thank you levd20for sharing. It's very helpful while dealMap is not available on Mac.
i saw many improvemnts on mac version. It seemn now backtesting work. But the Deal Map still missing. this feature is very peaciuos when analysing things.
we still wating for this!
So no Deal Map for Macu users in the last update??1?!! we will have this feature?
On the newest version of cTrader for Mac the paddysDealMap indicator stopped working, Why is so? What's more the default DealMap mechanism which has been added to the newest version of cTrader for Mac slows significantly the chart scrolling.
10 Feb 2024, 08:25
Hi there,
It will be added in a future update.
Best regards,