Copy account funds
Created at 10 Jan 2025, 13:48
Copy account funds
10 Jan 2025, 13:48
Funds in copy account with strategy provider not being used ? I cannot withdraw the funds from the account either ? Could somebody help?
23 Jan 2025, 23:10
You can simply right click against the subs acct (3 dots on RHS) to select “REMOVE FUNDS” option to remove funds. This will allow you to transfer the funds from subs acct back to main funding account. Eg you have 3 ctrader accts C1, C2, C3 and only C2 has a subs account. Funds will return to C2. Once funds are back in main funding acct you can now proceed to brokerage site to do a withdrawal
You can also stop copying by RIGHT click against the 3 dots on RHS against the subs acct “Stop copying” option to COMPLETELY stop the copying, This will also automatically returns whatever funds subtract all closed trades NET p/l into main funding account. STOP copying will first CLOSED OUT all open positions before returning funds into main funding account. Please consider carefully before doing so!
If funds are not being used and you knew there are open trades likely your acct does not have such symbol or that you might not have enuf margin to copy the trades. If you cant see any open trades (coz SP has chosen to hide open trades) perhaps SP has yet to open a trade. To track this, you can try viewing SP history page to check whether any close trades done for that day on the next day or after some hours on same day (it depends on frequency of SP trading, there might be 0 closed trades n 0 open trades for sometime)