Connecting Trader to existing broker account

Created at 05 Jan 2025, 18:49
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Joined 05.01.2025

Connecting Trader to existing broker account
05 Jan 2025, 18:49

How do I connect an existing TopFx broker account (cTrader) to cTrader? In cTrader I have the option of a demo account and to open a new live account. However, I want to connect cTrader to an already existing cTrader account with TopFx - I want to connect the 2 of them.


23 Jan 2025, 23:15

easy use cweb, all ctrader accts can be viewed, traded on cweb under the same ctid. for different brokerage ctrader use to login n still able to do all the functions that you have been doing under your brokerage ctrader link, eg,
