invitation Ctrader copy

Created at 25 Jun 2024, 21:04
How’s your experience with the cTrader Platform?
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Joined 06.03.2023

invitation Ctrader copy
25 Jun 2024, 21:04

Hello good! I leave my strategies to those interested in investing.

I have tested a demo account for 3 or 4 months and it went well, I had an average of 25% per month, then I decided to go real and nothing, as you will see, started badly, and at the moment I am at an average of 13%.

My idea is to increase lots every 100 USD.

He didn't use any indicators, I look at EUR GBP, EUR CHF and GBP CHF. If you had to position yourself short in the EUR GBP, I sell EURUSD and buy GBPUSD, in case the trade does not go well, we look for the pullback of the losing trade and close the winning one, thus scratching a few pips. It doesn't always turn out well, and it's time to close the losses.


That's all,

Success gentlemen! 
