Be careful of copy trading

Created at 15 May 2024, 16:22
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Joined 15.05.2024

Be careful of copy trading
15 May 2024, 16:22

Copy trading sounds great. 
i checked all the information etc. I didn’t realize that all the current past position of a strategy provider will be copy as well, even back in April but with a current price. They keep the positions opened even though it’s in a big loss $8000. 

When I copy, my positions are opened 4000 lots and 8000 lots 3 times, while this strategy provider PTBBITB opened other quantity to trade only 0.01lot, so if you checked the history trading, yes it’s in profit but in reality it’s 10x loss. Not sure why it‘s allowed, it’s like a manipulation from the provider but just a warning if you want to copy.


28 May 2024, 18:25 ( Updated at: 29 May 2024, 05:14 )


He is trading on a higher timeframe and constantly hedging his position, so if you want to copy the strategy you must be willing to wait weeks to months and you will be profitable, he is my Top 2 favorite, 

 Top 1 is wriggle, only you need a broker that offer 1:500 to 1:1000 leverage to successfully copy all wriggle position, as some positions may not be copied due to margin difference cause by difference in leverage. 
In conclusion, Put the money back in the Basket is Good if your patients enough,,  

Wriggle is aggressive so, diversify your investment. 


28 Jun 2024, 22:25 ( Updated at: 28 Jun 2024, 22:26 )

RE: Nothing

r2ravc said: 

He is trading on a higher timeframe and constantly hedging his position, so if you want to copy the strategy you must be willing to wait weeks to months and you will be profitable, he is my Top 2 favorite, 

 Top 1 is wriggle, only you need a broker that offer 1:500 to 1:1000 leverage to successfully copy all wriggle position, as some positions may not be copied due to margin difference cause by difference in leverage. 
In conclusion, Put the money back in the Basket is Good if your patients enough,,  

Wriggle is aggressive so, diversify your investment. 

ok, which broker gives you 1:1000?

fp markets gives 1:500 only

can you give the name of this second strategy?

