Roi is incorrect

Created at 07 Sep 2023, 01:00
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Joined 07.09.2023

Roi is incorrect
07 Sep 2023, 01:00

The Roi data is missing from 4 September.

Please update it!


07 Sep 2023, 11:27

Deart trader,

Thank you for reporting this issue. The team is aware of it and we are working on resolving it.

Best regards,



16 Sep 2023, 05:46

RE: Roi is incorrect

Spotware said: 

Deart trader,

Thank you for reporting this issue. The team is aware of it and we are working on resolving it.

Best regards,


When ROI will be fixed?


17 Sep 2023, 05:25

RE: RE: Roi is incorrect

Transformers said: 

Spotware said: 

Deart trader,

Thank you for reporting this issue. The team is aware of it and we are working on resolving it.

Best regards,


When ROI will be fixed?

Today is seems like fixed
