SUGGESTION - remove performance % restrictions for providers and add tiered fees

Created at 05 May 2023, 01:45
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Joined 05.05.2023

SUGGESTION - remove performance % restrictions for providers and add tiered fees
05 May 2023, 01:45



Strategies can be very diverse, and it does not make sense for a retail platform like cTrader to enforce a maximum 30% performance fee on the strategy providers.


Providers should be able to select whatever the performance fee that they choose to.

Another useful feature would be to have tiered fees, for example reducing as the capital invested grows.

For example :

100$ -> 80% performance fees

1'000$ -> 50% performance fees

5'000$ -> 30% performance fees

5'000$+ -> 20% performance fees


And the same with management fee :

100$ -> 0% management fees

1'000$+ -> 5% management fees


Thank you



13 May 2023, 00:47 ( Updated at: 13 May 2023, 00:51 )

Hi there,

I have also suggested for this some time ago but, apparently, no one cares:



13 May 2023, 11:11


Hi, thank you for your reply.

I voted for your post, although I am not sure how the features are selected and planned.

ncel01 said:

Hi there,

I have also suggested for this some time ago but, apparently, no one cares:




15 May 2023, 16:03

The human world is already unfair for most ordinary people, I vote NO extending the tiered system to the money world!!


15 May 2023, 16:18


ctid4575606 said:

Hi, thank you for your reply.

I voted for your post, although I am not sure how the features are selected and planned.

ncel01 said:

Hi there,

I have also suggested for this some time ago but, apparently, no one cares:




Based on the votes only, I guess.

I believe that low vote suggestions will never get off the drawing board, no matter how relevant these can be. However I am not completely sure about this.


15 May 2023, 16:19


Capt.Z-Fort.Builder said:

The human world is already unfair for most ordinary people, I vote NO extending the tiered system to the money world!!

Very clarifying.

Thanks for sharing!
