Bad new restriction in Strategy visibility since last update

Created at 15 Apr 2023, 13:10
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Joined 07.04.2022

Bad new restriction in Strategy visibility since last update
15 Apr 2023, 13:10

as i started as Strategy provider with my account in your Ctrader software 10 months ago, the only restrictions to be visible as Strategy provider where the following:


- A positive account balance

- More than -90% in the overall ROI


those two were enough from my point of view


Now in the pregoing update, two months ago, you added the further restriction "At least 1 deal executed within the last 72 hours" 

But now since the last update, you added the addition restriction " At least 1 open position" on top, which is absolutely not a fair way how to handle the professional traders who have their year long validated Startegies, which maybe dont match now your new criterias anymore.

A serious and professional trader doesnt run a open position 24/5 in his account or trades a Position in the last 72 h. There are also times in between where no positons are open.


My Strategy is one of the top 10 Strategies at ICMarkets and the strategy is very successful since July 2022. My Strategy trades 3-4 positions a day on a serious and safe way.

Since the visibility of my Strategy has been restricted due to your new restrictions , I have many enqueries from my customers, that they dont find the strategy anymore.

I dont want to complain, as your system and everything else is great, but maybe you can think once again about the sense of these last restrictions and maybe you can think more PRO TRADERS instead of PRO BROKERS.

I think that I am not the only one who is not amused about your strategy list Filter related changes. 

Thank you very much in advance and I am looking forward to your statement. 


Best regards to Cyprus





17 Apr 2023, 10:44 ( Updated at: 17 Apr 2023, 11:11 )


Some strategy providers started to open a hedged position to circumvent the rubbish filter and keep visible in the list resulting in higher costs for trading (swap). Brokers first!
Please check and upvote the suggestion.
You also might want to join for discussion about cTrader Copy and strategies.



17 Apr 2023, 23:30 ( Updated at: 17 Apr 2023, 23:48 )


"At least 1 deal executed within the last 72 hours"

Does this make sense, really? Or, instead, it is just not relevant according to your trading style?

"1 deal executed within the last 72 hours" restriction should be sufficient enough to filter out the serious and active Strategies.

Having executed, at least 1 deal within the last 72 hours, is condition enough for a strategy to be considered serious. The same as saying that every active strategy is a serious strategy.

Is this the logic behind your statement?

Just to clarify.


18 Apr 2023, 00:24


ncel01 said:


"At least 1 deal executed within the last 72 hours"

Does this make sense, really? Or, instead, it is just not relevant according to your trading style?

"1 deal executed within the last 72 hours" restriction should be sufficient enough to filter out the serious and active Strategies.

Having executed, at least 1 deal within the last 72 hours, is condition enough for a strategy to be considered serious. The same as saying that every active strategy is a serious strategy.

Is this the logic behind your statement?

Just to clarify.

Dear ncel1, 

You are absolutely right. Bad wording from my side. I edited/corrected the initial comment ;-)




18 Apr 2023, 10:34 ( Updated at: 18 Apr 2023, 10:35 )

Hi M0glix,

No worries! It looks like we are tuned on this, after all.

In fact, none of these 2 conditions/restrictions make any sense from traders' point of view.


18 Jun 2024, 19:33 ( Updated at: 19 Jun 2024, 04:57 )

RE: Bad new restriction in Strategy visibility since last update

ncel01 said: 

Hi M0glix,

No worries! It looks like we are tuned on this, after all.

In fact, none of these 2 conditions/restrictions make any sense from traders' point of view.

Terrible requirement! To make matters worse, I have seen strategies that show up in the public view without having an open position! Why are some traders able to do this and others are restricted???
