Requirements to be met by any investor to follow a strategy

Created at 13 Feb 2023, 15:47
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Joined 19.03.2020

Requirements to be met by any investor to follow a strategy
13 Feb 2023, 15:47

Dear Spotware,

Would it be possible to make available a feature where a strategy provider can set a list of requirements that should be met by the investor in order to be able to follow some strategy? This obviously does not need to be mandatory but, at least it should be an option.

This should not only apply when an investor starts following a strategy but on a regular basis (e.g.: every time a position is to be opened). This, considering that a broker can change the trading conditions at any time at their own convenience and, I think there is no need to explain how harmful this can be.

Why this?

It is my priority to protect investors money over protecting any brokers interests and, considering the "Traders First" motto, this should be something of your interest as well.

Thank you.


02 Aug 2023, 12:34

Dear cTrader Team,

Thanks for providing feedback on this.


03 Aug 2023, 05:50

Dear trader,

Please post your suggestions in the Suggestions section. If your suggestion gathers enough votes, it will be considered by the team.

Best regards,

cTrader Team


04 Aug 2023, 13:01

Dear cTrader Team,

This is not about colours, indicators, etc. This is about to effectively protect investors' money.

No one needs to be a genius to easily conclude that a lot more can be done when it comes to protect investors/traders.
A good is example is the equity-to-equity breach associated to the minimum trading quantities.
An evident harmful non-compliance that has been kept in place.

I'll leave it up to you.
