SP500 Investment: Aiming for 10-20% per month

Created at 28 Jan 2022, 05:04
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Joined 12.04.2019

SP500 Investment: Aiming for 10-20% per month
28 Jan 2022, 05:04

SP500 Investment

Short term trades in the US500 Index made after market hours when volatility is much lower.

As the US500 has an overall upward trend, this strategy will consist of mostly long positions.

Equity stop loss automatically triggered at 20% DD, but I don't expect this to happen very often and can be made back very quickly.

This strategy is not based on overbought or oversold indicators like most strategies here that try to "catch a falling knife" and end up toasted eventually.

All positions are closed before the next US market open, I will not just keep adding to a losing position until the account blows up like many other strategies here.

Minimum set to US$500 but I recommend at least US$1000 to be safe.

