Copy vs Strategy - volume differences when trading

Created at 05 Mar 2021, 11:00
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Joined 05.03.2021

Copy vs Strategy - volume differences when trading
05 Mar 2021, 11:00

Hi Guys,


I was wondering what is the linkage between how the strategy im copying is opening the trades and how my copy does it.

The strategy opens trades with 3000 volumes while my copy currently does it with 10000. How I was increasing the balance on my account by money transfers, the volume on my copy got bigger and bigger.

The problem is, that while the strategy opens up 5-10 trades at once, my budget with 10000 volumes is only enough for opening 3 trades. Then the strategy ends up in an overall profit, while my portfolio is shrinking.

I transferred more money into my account, so that my copy can open more positions, but it only resulted in higher volumes, and I was back at the beginning, facing the same issue.


So is the volume on my copy set by the strategy? Or is it independent from the strategy? Is it possible for me to change the volumes?


Thank you
