Equity to Equity vs. 1 to 1 copy

Created at 13 Feb 2021, 13:14
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Joined 08.06.2019

Equity to Equity vs. 1 to 1 copy
13 Feb 2021, 13:14


I have a trading account of 2.000 Euro and share the strategy with someone with 1.000 Euro account / allocated to copying.

Right now it uses the equity to equity and jerks up a lot of small trades. We would like to copy the trades 1 to 1.

I can't find any setting to do this. Is it not possible?

If Equity-to-Equity is the only option, any change on my account (deposit/withdrawal) affects the matching of trades towards the copy-account.
This does not seem right to me.



16 Feb 2021, 08:21

Hi GridSurfer,

There is no such option in cTrader Copy. If you want a 1:1 copying of trades you can consider using third party tools like Trade Copier or cMAM.

Best Regards,


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