Statement for Investor Accounts

Created at 01 Feb 2021, 08:13
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Joined 12.04.2019

Statement for Investor Accounts
01 Feb 2021, 08:13


Is there any way we can print out a statement for our Investor Accounts from strategies we have been following? Since there is no way to directly log in to the copy account itself, all we get is the trade history but no way of printing off a statement like you get from your "main" live and demo accounts. This should also reflect the commissions we have paid to the strategy providers subtracted from the total.

Either a feature needs to be added to the investment copy screen, or we should be able to log in to our copy accounts to print out a statement. I will need this detailed information for when it comes time to pay my taxes and a simple log of money transactions in and out of the live account to and from the investment strategy isn't sufficient enough.

Thank you,



01 Feb 2021, 08:49

Hi Mr4x,

This is not available at the moment but it will be added in a future version of cTrader Copy. In the meanwhile, you can ask your broker for such a statement.

Best Regards,


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