Bug with comissions/fees for strategy providers

Created at 17 Dec 2020, 17:35
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Bug with comissions/fees for strategy providers
17 Dec 2020, 17:35

I have probably a serious Bug in the copy-platform: I'm a strategy provider and have switched the account where the comissions/fees should booked on (new cTrader Web Version), but they are not booked anymore at all now. I investigated more on that and found out, that the fees are withdrawn of my followers, but not deposited to the account I have setup. So the money is where??



18 Dec 2020, 07:48

Hi matayas,

Please provide us with your broker, the account number you use for your strategy and the account number you use for the fees so that we can investigate further.

Best Regards,


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18 Dec 2020, 12:33 ( Updated at: 18 Dec 2020, 23:08 )


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi matayas,

Please provide us with your broker, the account number you use for your strategy and the account number you use for the fees so that we can investigate further.

Best Regards,


Join us on Telegram

Ok, it is solved now.
