Please Develop cTader Copy Mobile (Android & iOS)

Created at 06 Jun 2020, 06:06
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Joined 15.11.2016

Please Develop cTader Copy Mobile (Android & iOS)
06 Jun 2020, 06:06

Please Develop cTader Copy Mobile (Android & iOS)
We are as trader and investor need mobility to access trading tools and settings, we need cTrader Copy on Mobile which so far can only be accessed through the PC website.


09 Jun 2020, 09:21

Hi tradinginsider,

This is in progress and will become available in one of the upcoming releases of cTrader Mobile apps.

Best Regards,


Join us on Telegram



12 Jun 2020, 20:52


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi tradinginsider,

This is in progress and will become available in one of the upcoming releases of cTrader Mobile apps.

Best Regards,


Join us on Telegram


good news, I'm glad to hear that, hopefully released soon
