Hide orders from Subscriber so he cannot find how the strategy works

Created at 23 Jan 2019, 16:13
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Joined 23.01.2019

Hide orders from Subscriber so he cannot find how the strategy works
23 Jan 2019, 16:13

Hi everyone,

does cCopy provide a way to hide trades from Subscribers so they won't be able to find how the strategy works?

Even from history. In an ideal world they should only be able to see their balance grow or shrink, otherwise if they are themself traders or coders, they may be able to understand how the strategy works and implement it themselves...

I know it may sound stupid, but it's a possibility. Just curious to know if this is possible through cCopy.

Thanks in advance


04 Feb 2019, 02:25

Interesting question.


04 Feb 2019, 08:53


that would have my vote. put it up in suggestions. https://ctrader.com/forum/suggestions
