cTrader Web 4.0 Help Center Now Sums Up All-You-Need-To-Know

Created at 04 Dec 2020, 09:06
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Joined 23.09.2013

cTrader Web 4.0 Help Center Now Sums Up All-You-Need-To-Know
04 Dec 2020, 09:06

Putting user convenience above all, and staying true to our Traders First™ motto, we wanted to make sure our traders can get all the help they need in one single space that wouldn’t require them leaving their platform.

This is why the new cTrader Web 4.0 version brings all Help Center features to the left hand side of the platform, for easy location. Comprising everything, from Helping Guides to get to know the platform as quickly as possible, to Open API, Contacts and What’s New for freshest feature information.

  • Helping Guides
  • What’s New 
  • Open API 
  • Useful Links
  • Contact
  • About cTrader

You can find out more about what cTrader Web 4.0 has to offer here.

Launch cTrader Web 4.0

