Alexander Geralis shares with Leaprate the way the industry and traders’ demands will shape the future of fintech companies

Created at 23 Jan 2020, 15:19
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Alexander Geralis shares with Leaprate the way the industry and traders’ demands will shape the future of fintech companies
23 Jan 2020, 15:19


In the first interview for 2020, Alexander Geralis, Business Development Manager at Spotware, shares with Leaprate how 2019 has been for Spotware, while also providing valuable insights on how traders’ behaviour and demands have and will continue to shape the industry.

Among others, Alexander Geralis analysed topics such as:

  • Recent regulatory changes and how these affect fintech companies
  • Key traders’ demands for 2019 and how did Spotware deliver
  • Recent cTrader integrations and how they add value to the brokers’ platform offerings
  • The industry’s direction for 2020 and beyond
  • Brexit’s effect in the retail trading industry
  • Spotware’s business direction for 2020

Read Full Interview


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