Execution Times

Created at 06 Jul 2016, 16:35
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Joined 06.12.2011

Execution Times
06 Jul 2016, 16:35

Could you please state the min-max execution times of your broker and your connection latency from the right bottom corner.
You can get the info from the Positions tab by clicking on the left most icon (i) of each line.

I'm testing the demo accounts of IC Markets which have execution times from 200ms to 300ms.
Latency to the server doesn't have any noticeable change on the execution time which is the reason I'm asking everybody to share their values.

My values:
IC Market, Demo account, latency 17/25ms (Strasbourg-1 proxy), execution time 200-300ms.
IC Market, Demo account, latency 40/40ms (Strasbourg-1 proxy), execution time 200-300ms.

The slippage limit is 1 pip for EUR/USD which doesn't exceed on normal market conditions.


07 Jul 2016, 16:45


moneybiz said:

Could you please state the min-max execution times of your broker and your connection latency from the right bottom corner.
You can get the info from the Positions tab by clicking on the left most icon (i) of each line.

I'm testing the demo accounts of IC Markets which have execution times from 200ms to 300ms.
Latency to the server doesn't have any noticeable change on the execution time which is the reason I'm asking everybody to share their values.

My values:
IC Market, Demo account, latency 17/25ms (Strasbourg-1 proxy), execution time 200-300ms.
IC Market, Demo account, latency 40/40ms (Strasbourg-1 proxy), execution time 200-300ms.

The slippage limit is 1 pip for EUR/USD which doesn't exceed on normal market conditions.

Didn't know I had access to this info, so thanks!


Pepperstone: live account:  

(1) home interenet connection; latency 16/210ms;  execution time 115ms

(2) VPS: latency 0.8/35ms;  execution time 112ms...

The range seems to be 109-119ms...  


07 Jul 2016, 16:59

Execution time window


the execution time regardless of which broker is used, lands between 200-300ms. When it comes to the latency to the brokerage server it varies depending on the VPS or the local computer's internet connection speed. From a local computer with a fast internet around 20-30ms is very good. The algorithm running on a VPS then as you know we are talking about 1-2ms latency however that will not affect the execution time when the order, target or stop loss are hit, it is stable between 200-300ms. This is a in my opinion a window that the broker needs to be able to operate and maybe hedge the incoming orders. Hopefully this window in ms will be decreased in time by Spotware as their platform technology improves.


07 Jul 2016, 18:51

RE: Execution time window

kricka said:

the execution time regardless of which broker is used, lands between 200-300ms. This is a in my opinion a window that the broker needs to be able to operate and maybe hedge the incoming orders. Hopefully this window in ms will be decreased in time by Spotware as their platform technology improves.

The message above yours says the range is around 100-120ms. So it must be broker dependent.
Spotware claims sub-millisecond execution speeds which seems not real.

If broker hedges you then they are playing against you which means they can also do other things to make you lose your money. Leave that a side, they are the server which means they must execute the hedged orders in sub-millisecond level. Do you think it can cause such high execution time?


Spotware, can you be more transparent about the execution times of brokers, are they fixed or changing, and what effects the change?


07 Jul 2016, 23:09

Under 100ms, perfect!

I hardly ever had under 200ms so anything under 200ms would be great. We are dealing here with a platform for retail traders and brokers are involved who would like to have their cut of the cake so to speak. I would love the executing time to go under 100ms and I think it is possible in the future when Spotware evolve and fine tune the platform. I also agree with you that more transparency is needed from the Spotware team when it comes to the execution time. 
