How to double position and get double order.

Created at 24 Mar 2016, 06:14
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Joined 24.03.2016

How to double position and get double order.
24 Mar 2016, 06:14

 How to double position and get double order like in cTrader.  When I cick double in cTrader I want an event and a new entry price.

How to do?


24 Mar 2016, 07:20

RE: said:

 How to double position and get double order like in cTrader.  When I cick double in cTrader I want an event and a new entry price.

How to do?

Have an event for double position? Like OnPositionOpened and OnPositionClosed.


24 Mar 2016, 07:22

RE: RE: said: said:

 How to double position and get double order like in cTrader.  When I cick double in cTrader I want an event and a new entry price.

How to do?

Have an event for double position? Like OnPositionOpened and OnPositionClosed.

Because when I click double position manually, event  it is not trigger in event OnPositionOpened.


24 Mar 2016, 07:40

RE: said:

 How to double position and get double order like in cTrader.  When I cick double in cTrader I want an event and a new entry price.

How to do?

I get the double position in event OnBar after I clicked double. I got the last price before I double it. But if I stop robot and start again I get that position again I got true price(double price).

So I want to know how to get double price after I double it?


24 Mar 2016, 16:21

Dear Trader,

Could you please provide us with a more detailed explanation of what are you trying to do?

In addition, we recommend you to have a look at the Events section of Microsoft. 
