Countdown for next Bar

Created at 22 Oct 2012, 15:56
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Joined 17.09.2012

Countdown for next Bar
22 Oct 2012, 15:56


Is it possible to code the countdown for the next Bar? If so how?



23 Oct 2012, 09:54

When we introduce multitime frames it will be possible to code the countdown for the next Bar.

Multitime frames are comming soon, so stay tuned!



22 Feb 2019, 02:47

Is it now  possible to get the bar countdown programatically?


22 Feb 2019, 10:45

Hi lec0456.

This is not available via the API but I think you can easily code this.

Best Regards,



22 Feb 2019, 17:42

I did last night!! it opens a form that displays the countdown in a large font.

using System;
using cAlgo.API;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace cAlgo.Robots
    [Robot(TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.FullAccess)]
    public class myCandleCountDown : Robot
        [Parameter("Alert On", DefaultValue = true)]
        public bool paramAlertOn { get; set; }

        private Thread _thread;
        private frmCandleCountdown _counter;

        protected override void OnStart()
            _counter = new frmCandleCountdown();
            //_thread = new Thread(() =>{ _counter.ShowDialog(); });
            _thread = new Thread(() => { Application.Run(_counter); });

        protected override void OnTimer()
            int cdMinutes = 14 - Time.Minute % 15;
            int cdSeconds = 59 - Time.Second;
            _thread = new Thread(() => _counter.UpdateCounter(cdMinutes.ToString("00")+":"+cdSeconds.ToString("00")));
            if(cdMinutes==0 && cdSeconds==0 && paramAlertOn)

I added a simple form with a label and one function.

        public void UpdateCounter(string _text)
            lblCounter.Text = _text;

