Optimization stops prematurely

Created at 05 Feb 2016, 13:52
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Joined 05.02.2016

Optimization stops prematurely
05 Feb 2016, 13:52


I love the cAlgo platform and especially the optimizer.

I have found that sometimes the optimizer does not run till end but stops whitout any error message. It can display 3 minutes remaining and a second later it is at 0 seconds. And not all passes have gone. Is this a known feature/bug? I have tried to search the forum for this particular problem but not found any answer.

Win 10 and have same problem on at least 2 different machines.

If this little niggle could be resolved I would be a very happy camper.

Thanks for a great program




09 Feb 2016, 12:53

Dear Trader,

Could you please provide us with more details regarding your issue?

In addition, could you please send us your cAlgo Journal, and the log of the backtesting to feedback@spotware.com?

The Journal is located at: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\cAlgo\Journals\%BROKERNAME%


09 Feb 2016, 13:13

I can send you the journal but the log of the backtesting does not contain anything else than what I Print() there. Or is there a log located somewhere?

Problem is, I do an optimization with the Genetic Algoritm. It starts OK and timer(s) reads elapsed and remaining time and # of passes.

Sometime remaining time can read 1m 03 sec (example) and the next instance it is finished. I understand that the timer can not be 100% accurate but the bigger worry is that the # of passes varies. It can be 1860 one time and the next it stops after 760 passes. 

I will email you the journal




09 Feb 2016, 14:11

Dear Trader,

You should set the Log to "All Events".

When you right click to copy the logs, select "Copy all". 

In addition, could you please send us your code too? Or the minimal code that reproduces your issue? The code will be used only for troubleshooting purposes. 
